Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Como Piensa un Refugiado de Guerra en EU de Bosnia

Luis you are hypocrat. You hate USA but you went to study in New York. Why is that you like New York so much and why so many Boriken like New York? You went there to study and you failed and because you could not do it you blame someone else for your failure. If the USA govt. is not cool thats not the reason to burn american flag. Boriken burning american while they have their stomacks full of food from USA, thats being a hypocrat man. One need to be very smart to defeat USA and your people's stupidity will not let you do that. Burning flags like those subhuman arabs are doing. American jews own you man, investigate how many jews own property in Puerto rico and how many jews are there? Like 0.3% of population and they own much more land than that, and they are buying more and destroying more. Baseball is a sport that came from USA and americans invented it. The gringo influence in your island made people like the sport. And you like baseball but you hate USA thats being a hypocrat. Fidel odia USA pero prostituye jovencitas para turista para hacer su dinercito, que subhumano es.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeezzzz....Two fucking morons!!!

8:07 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

BARCODE says: Being an asshole, My Anti-Drug.

9:50 AM

Blogger ille said...

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12:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barcode, pensé que eras pacifista y ahora estas ofreciendo galletas. Cuidado con lo que dices y haces que "Big brother is watching you".

7:47 AM


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